Migration of a SCADA system to IaaS Clouds-A Case Study

There are various types of question regarding the migration process of a SCADA system to IaaS clouds. In this article, we will try to discuss some most asked questions about this issue. The first question is, ” in any cloud managed by IaaS or SaaS, industrial as well as a home automation service provider like IT Support Birmingham is there any SCADA system located”? The Second question related to the first one is, “if there is a task from scratch to build an automated process control system on some abstract small non-critical production, would you use SCADA in the cloud?”
Most of the novice tech people cannot understand the real factors and they like to hear about the issue from the IT Service Company experts. According to an IT Support Birmingham expert, SCADA is a Supervision Control and Data Acquisition system. Suppose it is possible to make Supervision Control through the cloud and this is already being done, but why does somebody need Data Acquisition through it?

Clouds are several completely independent servers for which data is smeared, and in this case also processes, and not just one. Any large data collection and processing system can be called cloudy. Take a venture. There is a file server for design documents, there is a CAD server, there are an accounting server and financiers, and a personal service has a server, and so on. Different data about the same employee lies on different servers and are processed differently. All this together is called the enterprise management system, which is clearly steeper than SCADA. So nothing changes, just someone fashioned the word fashionable and again attempts under the new wording to sell something that had long been known.

Or do you seriously think that the "cloud" - is it only on the Internet? But why? Why does sharing the technical process on the Internet sometimes considered as a fun where there is schoolboy, who thinks himself a hacker, could steer this process for fun? Why lock the door of the house with the key, and hang the key on a high pole in the town square? With the same success, the door can simply not be locked and the key is not needed. Try to answer these questions yourself, and if you can - only then it makes sense to ask others about this issue.

Most of the IT Services Birmingham experts think that the cloud is something vague.  Many people also buy gadgets and if you ask them, "Why did you spend so much money on a toy?". Probably the standard answer will be, "Well, count up, you are standing at a crossroads in a big unknown city and you need to find a store or some house ... You say 'OK, Google' ...". People just feel protected by having a functional smartphone, even if all these functions are objectively not needed. Then, having a smartphone, they grow stupid and cannot escape from their vicious circle.

 These people do not know what lies ahead for them, therefore they are supporters of some "universal" solutions, although this universality-flexibility-adaptability is not really necessary in this case. It is treated by gaining experience, growing up professional.

According to the IT Support Nottingham experts, behind the cloud, there is the future. The main thing is to use it correctly. The cloud is not only a remote server. Main advantages are listed below:

1.  Cheap equipment cost ("clouds", now, everything is getting cheaper and cheaper)
2.  Greater reliability (correctly configured "clouds" almost never fall, if one server is "dropped", another rises or the third rises and data moves and are reserved)
3.  Low maintenance cost, and most importantly: on time (if a hard disk or RAM will “fly” in your top level, then in rare cases someone will replace it promptly and in 99% it will stop)
4.  Greater security of communication channels from penetration (modern communication protocols with cipher is much more reliable than Modbus, scattered around the organization)
5.  The great convenience of accessing data from the Internet (convenient access to high-level specialists who are not on duty at work and can be located in another city or country)
6.  Common plus: you can quickly, simply and inexpensively use highly qualified IT specialists and domain experts 

Published By: IT Services Company


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