Top 3 ways to utilize Mobile Point of Sale

On the Internet, you can find an immense amount of sales ideas for your products, but the trouble is, almost very few of those are works properly in reality. Mobile Point of Sale (mPOS) is one of the most fruitful terminals for your business. In this article, we will discuss the top three ways to utilize this mPOS.

Perhaps it is not entirely new, but not that much used by frequent users yet. Everyone will be able to embody it, only desire is needed here, and you are guaranteed to begin to receive a substantial income according to IT Services Company.

mPOS terminals can be divided into:

1. by way of use - stationary and mobile
2. by way of communication with the processing center - dial-up/ethernet and gsm / GPRS
3. by the pin code entry method - using a separate device (pin pad) and using a cashier terminal to enter the pin code
4. by type of cards processed - with a magnetic stripe, emv (chip), contactless
5. on interaction with the computer-cash system (CCS) - autonomous and designed to work in conjunction with CCS

Mpos-terminals: Gandlyarok, mpos, and SmartPOS.

Stationary terminals are intended for use in the cash node of the stationary outlet. They are set, as a rule, in food and department stores, pharmacies, service facilities in the same places where cash is calculated.

Mobile terminals have a battery, a charging device, and are not “tied” to a specific place of settlement. They are used in restaurants, cafes, catering, taxi, online shopping. In the class of mobile terminals, mobile terminals for cars are usually distinguished. These terminals are equipped with a device for charging the terminal in the car. Mobile terminals have a way to communicate with the processing center - GSM / GPRS channel.

Dial-up / Ethernet terminals are used if a dial-up line or an Ethernet network is selected to communicate with the processing center. In the Dial-up method of communication, the terminal uses the same telephone line as the landline telephone. During the operation, the terminal “dials” to the processing center, as the phone “dials” to another phone. Such communication is slow, not always stable and its use is not recommended. With the development of the Internet, Managed Services Birmingham communication service providers have appeared, when a special device is connected to the telephone line that allows the telephone line to be used for both phone calls and high-speed Internet access via Ethernet. This is the fastest and most reliable channel for communication with the processing center of the acquiring bank. When used for communication with the processing center of the acquirer of the Dial-up / Ethernet channel, a telephone jack must be connected to the terminal installation site to connect the terminal to the communication channel. As a rule, when ordering a Dial-up / Ethernet terminal, a cable is also supplied with it to connect it to the Dial-up / Ethernet communication channel.

GSM / GPRS POS-terminals are connected to the processing center of the acquiring bank through mobile operators. If this method of connection to the processing center of the bank-equator is selected, then you must additionally purchase a mobile operator's SIM card, which is inserted into the terminal.

A separate device for entering the pin code is connected to the terminal with a special cable and is intended for the client to enter the pin code when performing a card payment operation and creates convenience for the cashier and client. When using the same device by the cashier and the client, there is an increased likelihood of failure of cable connections, since during the operation it must be moved. In trade objects with large passability, as a rule, a terminal with a separate device for entering a pin-code is used.

According to IT Services Nottingham experts, types of cards processed by are very important POS terminal functionality. The technology of non-cash payments by payment cards is constantly being improved, their safety and convenience of use are increased. In the early stages of development used plastic cards with a magnetic stripe. In the last 10-15 years, EMV chip technologies have been developed and requirements have emerged, according to which all POS terminals must service EMV cards. In the last five, contactless technology has evolved. To perform an operation with a contactless card, you just need to bring the card to the terminal. Payment systems Visa and Mastercard are actively developing this technology. The Mastercard payment system announced that from 2020 all POS-terminals should have the functionality to work with contactless cards.

mPOS-Terminals for interaction with the computer-cash system (CCS) - are used, as a rule, in large trade objects that have complex solutions for an automated system for organizing trade and service. To use such terminals you need KKS software and a terminal for their collaboration. The presence of such software must be clarified for each model of KKS. In small trade objects, as a rule, autonomous POS-terminals are used.
Published By: IT Support Services


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